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A complete mask weighs a mere 360g.

Through a fan, the airflow speed is adjusted, based on the user’s breathing curve. This individual adjustment leads to the longer battery and use time, and to lower consumption of filters.

The actual mask is made of PET-G and TPE plastics.

ABS plastics and HEPA glass fiber media.

All kinds of particulate pollution (P3). For instance quartz dust, asbestos, or bacteria. See a longer list of substances here.

It depends wholly on the environment where the mask is used, and the density of particles in the air. As an example, a craftsman who uses the mask a few times a week would normally have to change the filter every 20 to 120 days. Whereas with sandblasting it needs to be changed from every other day to every five days.

Just like with the filter, it depends on the working environment and the degree of contamination. Please contact us for more information.

Up to 2.5 hours with the built-in battery, and up to 10 hours with the external battery (accessory).

LiPo (lithium polymer)

Yes. Thanks to LiPo batteries’ superior capacity, the mask can be stored for a long time for purposes of military readiness, for instance. Please contact us about how you best maintenance- charge your batteries. Tiki doesn’t take up a lot of room: several hundred masks can be stored in a one-cubic-meter space.

Either with the complimentary battery charger for the mains (220/110V). Or with a 12V charger (accessory) that fits into the socket of a car cigarette lighter.

Two LED lamps (8.5 lumens each)

Tiki has three built-in warning systems:
1) When the particle filter needs changing or is clogged.
2) When the battery is running low and needs charging.
3) If the mask isn’t airtight/leaks.

At our facility at Tiki Safety AB, in Upplands Bro, outside Stockholm, Sweden.

In the instruction manual which you can find and download here (Link to all manuals in several languages).
Or in the Technical specification white papers under the Printed matter.

The mask comes in three sizes – Small, Medium, and Large. To find out what size is right for you, please consult the Tiki Size guide here (PDFs in several languages).

The probable cause is that the mask is leaking and not fitted correctly. The fan keeps an overpressure in the mask to keep the surrounding polluted air outside. If the fan is speeding it's a sign that you'll have to fit the mask better. Maybe you have the wrong size mask or the straps are not tightened enough. Check the size guide here.

Technically it is the battery inside the blower that needs to be charged. If you are a team and can switch the blowers between you it is easy to take off the filter and pull out the blower and put in a charged blower, put back the filter (if it is okay to use again, that depends on circumstances) and you are ready to go again. If you are on your own and only have one blower you will have to wait until the blower is fully charged again.

There is a powerful battery as an accessory. It will work for at least 8 hours on one full charging. Check the external battery.